+ (254) 7025 94736 mail@keewidows.com

Water Project

Kee Widows – The Kenyan Water Project

Water Project - tank

Villages and communities throughout Kenya are in dire need of safe access to water, which is why our important charity is so committed to finding innovative ways to provide water. Our focus is on providing access to water for those who are the most vulnerable, such as widows, orphans, and the elderly. For these individuals travelling long distances for water is both impractical and unsafe, with the water often dangerous and full of bacteria.

How we provide clean and safe water to communities in Kenya

1. Hydro-geological survey and enviromental impact assesment
2. Borehole Drilling 180 m deep
3. Solar systems & pump installation works
4. 20 cubic steel tank & 9 m Tower
5. 1 concrete water kiosk (standard)

With your support we can achieve the goals of our vital water project, by providing sustainable access to clean drinking water. We also train people within the communities to maintain the boreholes we install, so that the risk of water related infections and diseases is reduced.

In addition, your support can provide us with the funds we need to lift communities out of poverty, whether that is tools to care for livestock, access to clean drinking water, or for irrigating vegetable plots. Ultimately, the Kee Widows Water Project aims to provide both widows and their communities with a better quality of life.

When the pressure to obtain safe water is removed, individuals are free to focus on more productive activities for their families, such as planning irrigation for crops or providing water for their livestock. The access to sustainable and safe water provides the foundations a community needs to survive, and you can help.

We have carefully vetted a borehole drilling company based in Nairobi, Kenya, which is committed to supporting the Kee Widows Water Project. This includes Hydro-geological surveying, reporting, borehole drilling, pump installation and water connections. Once the borehole is installed, the company installs two 5000-litre tanks which are powered via solar panels. The water can then be delivered on demand via community taps which are placed around the village.

How you can support the Kee Widows Water Project

Our charity and the communities we support are so grateful for every single donation, no matter how small. Even the smallest contributions quickly add up and will make a major difference to the lives of so many families in Kenya. If you would like to find out more about our water project, please email our team on: mail@keewidows.com. Alternatively, you can make a quick donation via our website.

Kee Widows