How You Can Spread Awareness to Support Kee Widows

Kenya’s widows need your support.

Without the help of organisations like Kee Widows, thousands of widows may die, hundreds of thousands more will go without food, shelter and the hope for a better future.

There are many ways you can support our cause, here are some ideas:

Give what you can:

The easiest way to support Kee Widows is to give a monetary donation. You could also donate in whichever way you are able to – eg: money, supplies and time.

Social Media:

Share our website and links on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google plus.
– tweet us, post our images on Pinterest, share on Google Plus, LinkedIn, and other social platforms.

Word of mouth:

Tell your family and friends about us – tell them why you want to help and why you think they should help also. They might be willing to learn more about the charity knowing you are also a part of the experience.

Send to your mailing list:

Send an email to your mailing list and tell them about us and the work we do. You don’t have to write your own content – just take an excerpt from any of our pages that you feel provide the type of information you would like to share.

Pamphlets and brochures:

If you have the material and willingness, you could help by producing and passing on brochures and pamphlets. You could use the information from our website to help you formulate the flyers, pamphlets, and brochures.


You could also support us through fundraising events and activities. This could include organising raffles, cake sales, and garage sales. If you have an online shop you may give your customers the chance of an opt-in contribution at checkout.

Traditional advertising:

You could also help us spread the word about what we do through traditional advertising outlets such as Google Adwords and Facebook advertising. This would help us reach a wider audience and get more people involved in helping Kenya’s widows.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list and you may have other suggestions wish to make.

Let us know how you want to make a difference today!